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"Free Assange Wave" is a non profit organisation which looks to enhance awareness of press freedom through organising activities such as lectures at universities about the persecuted journalist and whistleblower Julian Assange and others. Rally´s are promoted across the world and activists meet on discord to discuss and work on these projects where we invite you all to join. 

Our aim is to create a world where ´meaningless wars´(J. Assange) and corruption in the US & European state system are brought to an end so our children can grow up in true democratic values and with knowledge about where their tax money is going. Music and cultural exchange are used as a universal language without the fear that our freedom of expression will also lead to a life of persecution as we have been observing in disgust over the last 13 years with the Australian citizen & Journalist Julian Assange who is being robbed of his humanity in London´s Belmarsh prison by the US government/CIA and its European & Australian allies.

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